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Last Updated: Nov 18, 2006 - 12:32:53 PM

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World News : Epidemics : Avian Influenza

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EU for support to bird flu-hit poultry market
Apr 26, 2006 - 2:47:00 PM, Reviewed by: Dr. Priya Saxena

Officials said governments would have to submit requests for such EU support, with the applications being vetted by a special EU committee.

European Union farm ministers Tuesday gave their backing to a plan under which European producers of eggs and poultry, hit by a slump in demand and prices over bird flu fears, will be eligible for partial compensation from the bloc's joint budget.

Ministers said the EU budget could fund up to 50 percent of market support measures introduced by the bloc's member states hit by avian flu.

Officials said governments would have to submit requests for such EU support, with the applications being vetted by a special EU committee.

The European Commission - the EU's executive arm - said last month that it was ready to provide partial funding to farmers hit by declining consumption and prices for poultry and eggs.

- Indo-Asian News Service

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