
Contact Information for RxPG NEWS Service
By RxPG News
Jan 1, 2004, 06:24

Electronic Contact

The electronic contact information for THE SITE in RxPG network is usually displayed prominently in the footer or menu of THE SITE and is the preferred way of contact. Usually a direct email link is not given to prevent the email spamming. In stead a contact form or feedback form is given on THE SITE. If you want to contact any member or the webmaster of THE SITE for any reason, please look for the feedback form or contact form in THE SITE. If this feedback or contact form is not displayed at THE SITE or is inaccessible to you, you can use our centralised email address given below. Your query will be forwarded to the respective department at RxPG after we receive it here.

The centralised email address:

contactus at rxpgnews dot com

If you prefer to use a web based email address, you can contact us at rxpgnews at

Terms used in this document:

The term "THE SITE" used in this document refers to RxPG NEWS website at

The term "RxPG" used in this document refers to "RxPG Medical Solutions Private Limited, India"

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