
Diourbel worst hit by Cholera in Senegal
Apr 21, 2005, 17:01

From the week of 11-17 April 2005, the Ministry of Health, Senegal reported a total of 1187 cases and 14 deaths (case fatality rate 1.2%) in the country. Diourbel is the most severely affected region with 808 cases and 7 deaths (see previous report). Cases are reported to be decreasing in the city of Touba with an average of 33 cases reported per day compared to an average of 100 cases the week before.

Religious gatherings will be taking place 21-22 April in Touba, Tivaoune and Kaoloack, increasing the number of people in these cities. The Ministry of Health has reenforced the dissemination of health education messages through the media, prepositioned supplies in regional pharmacies and taken measures, including chlorination of water to ensure a safe and adequate water supply.

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