Last Updated: Jul 30, 2011 - 9:16:04 PM |
Latest Research
Sports Medicine
Rotational-biomechanic elements of the golf stroke key to being a golf pro!
Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have identified several biomechanical factors during a golf stroke that appear to separate the amateurs from the pros.Several key rotational-biomechanic elements of the golf stroke were analyzed and it was found that swing biomechanics were highly consistent among a group of professional players.
Jul 30, 2011 - 9:04:30 PM
Latest Research
Sport doctors say non-alcoholic wheat beer boosts athletes' health
Many amateur athletes have long suspected what research scientists for the Department of Preventative and Rehabilitative Sports Medicine of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen at Klinikum rechts der Isar have now made official: Documented proof, gathered during the world's largest study of marathons, Be-MaGIC (beer, marathons, genetics, inflammation and the cardiovascular system), that the consumption of non-alcoholic weissbier, or wheat beer, has a positive effect on athletes' health. Under the direction of Dr. Johannes Scherr, physicians examined 277 test subjects three weeks before and two weeks after the 2009 Munich Marathon.
Jun 9, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Sports Medicine
Beetroot Juice enables people to exercise longer
A new piece of research by the University of Exeter in conjunction with the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry has revealed the physiological effects of drinking beetroot juice could help a wide range of people.
Dec 22, 2010 - 12:44:01 AM
Latest Research
Simple, accurate in-office tool predicts athletes at high-risk for ACL injury, study details
PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Previously, determining athletes at high-risk for ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries required expensive and complex laboratory-based motion analysis systems, such as those used in creating video games. But a new study presented today at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine's (AOSSM) Annual Meeting, offers physicians a low-cost, in-office, tool to help identify athletes at increased risk.
Jul 17, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Hip exercises found effective at reducing, eliminating common knee pain in runners
A twice weekly hip strengthening regimen performed for six weeks proved surprisingly effective at reducing -- and in some cases eliminating -- knee pain referred to as patellofemoral pain (PFP) in female runners.
Jun 4, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
The first goal is the deepest
Jack Brimberg and Bill Hurley of The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, point out that sports commentators will often argue the importance of scoring the first goal and often suggest that a team improves its chances of winning considerably by scoring it. This kind of punditry more commonly arises during playoff games which tend to be played more defensively.
Jun 2, 2009 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Nanyang Technological University launches first-ever sports degree in Singapore
NTU has launched a new Bachelor of Science in Sport Science and Management degree programme. The first of its kind in Singapore, the four-year, direct honours programme aims to produce professionals with relevant knowledge and pertinent skills for engagement in the sports industry.
Feb 10, 2009 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
A virtuous cycle: Safety in numbers for riders
It seems paradoxical but the more people ride bicycles on our city streets, the less likely they are to be injured in traffic accidents.
Sep 2, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Recreation and park agencies play a key role in promoting healthy lifestyles
When community leaders brainstorm ways to improve the health and well-being of youth and families, a team usually brings together doctors and health care professionals, hospitals, public health organizations and schools. But recreation and park agencies are another key player in the fight against childhood obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and chronic diseases says a new report.
Aug 4, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Energy drinks linked to risk-taking behaviors among college students
BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Over the last decade, energy drinks -- such as Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar -- have become nearly ubiquitous on college campuses. The global market for these types of drinks currently exceeds $3 billion a year and new products are introduced annually.
Jul 24, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study: perception of hole size influenced by performance
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Golfers who play well are more likely to see the hole as larger than their poor-playing counterparts, according to a Purdue University researcher.
Jul 7, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Baseball diamonds: the lefthander's best friend
That's because the game was designed to make a lefty the Natural, according to David A. Peters, Ph.D., the McDonnell Douglas Professor of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, and uber baseball fan. Peters is a mechanical engineer who specializes in aircraft and helicopter engineering and has a different approach to viewing America's Favorite Pastime.
Jul 7, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Hormone disorder may contribute to lack of menstruation in teenage athletes
Researchers from Harvard University have found a way to predict which teenage female athletes will stop menstruating, an important risk factor for bone thinning, according to a preliminary study. The results will be presented at The Endocrine Society's 90th Annual Meeting in San Francisco.
Jun 16, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
ATV study to improve fit, safety among kids
The University of Kentucky is conducting a first-ever study of its kind to analyze all-terrain vehicle (ATV) safety, particularly in children. UK trauma surgeon Dr. Andrew Bernard is the primary investigator of a comprehensive multi-year investigation which will measure a number of physical and behavioral issues accompanying pediatric ATV usage. The research will begin June 9 at the Wenner Gren Biomedical Research Facility on the UK campus.
Jun 9, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Racism not an issue in firing of NBA coaches
ANN ARBOR, Mich.---Race is not a factor in the firing of NBA coaches, although white coaches with losing records had somewhat longer tenures before being fired than African-American coaches with more losses than wins, a new study shows.
May 14, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Sports Medicine
How exercise changes structure and function of heart
For the first time researchers are beginning to understand exactly how various forms of exercise impact the heart. Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators, in collaboration with the Harvard University Health Services, have found that 90 days of vigorous athletic training produces significant changes in cardiac structure and function and that the type of change varies with the type of exercise performed. Their study appears in the April Journal of Applied Physiology.
Apr 22, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Active seniors curb health care costs
Group Health seniors are not only sweating to the oldies in local health clubs. They are also keeping health care costs down, according to a study by researchers at Group Health and the University of Washington (UW). The study appears in the January 2008 issue of the journal Preventing Chronic Disease.
Feb 13, 2008 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Sports medicine programs benefit from pulmonologist on staff
(Chicago, IL, October 22, 2007) � Despite the high prevalence of asthma among athletes, a new study finds that the majority of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) sports medicine programs do not have a pulmonologist on staff. The study presented at CHEST 2007, the 73rd annual international scientific assembly of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), found that less than 25% of NCAA-affiliated athletic trainers report having a pulmonologist on their sports medicine program staff. However, the presence of a pulmonologist on staff increased the likelihood of a program�s adherence to national asthma management guidelines, which may, ultimately, improve the clinical care of athletes with asthma.
Oct 22, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Marines land at UO, leave with plans to wear Oregon-made training suits
EUGENE, Ore. -- (Oct. 10, 2007) -- A few came. They ran. They left. As a result of their August visit the U.S. Marine Corp begins training in 2008 in new running suits chosen after tests of competing products in the University of Oregon's environmental chamber.
Oct 10, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
The 'arms' race: Adult steroid users seek muscles, not medals
The majority of non-medical anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) users are not cheating athletes or risk-taking teenagers. According to a recent survey, containing the largest sample to date and published in the online open access publication, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, the typical male user is about 30 years old, well-educated, and earning an above-average income in a white-collar occupation. The majority did not use steroids during adolescence and were not motivated by athletic competition or sports performance.
Oct 10, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
British attitudes to exercise show misleading guidelines 'should be changed'
British adults now believe that moderate activity is more beneficial than vigorous exercise, according to new research by the University of Exeter and Brunel University. Although most large studies show that the greatest health benefits are derived from regular participation in vigorous activities, such as jogging and competitive sports, 56% of men and 71% of women now believe moderate activities, like walking, are most beneficial. The first study to investigate attitudes to moderate and vigorous activity since Government physical activity guidelines changed in the mid 1990s, this research is now published in Preventive Medicine.
Oct 9, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
How pitching changes little leaguers' shoulders
At this year's Little League World Series, new rules for the first time forced players to limit the number of times pitchers could throw the ball, and coaches had to strategize how pitchers were used more carefully.
Oct 4, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
High school footballers wearing special helmets to monitor brain injuries
As they root for the home team from the bleachers this fall, high school gridiron fans in the small Illinois town of Tolono don�t necessarily see anything out of the ordinary down on the field.
Sep 27, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Computer models help raise the bar for sporting achievement
Computer models now under development could enhance the design of sports equipment to help people of all abilities realise their sporting potential.
Sep 13, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Advanced technologies aim to transform the coaching of top athletes
Groundbreaking research now under way in the UK could help our leading athletics coaches deliver outstanding results in the years ahead.
Sep 13, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Leading-edge body sensor could help produce sporting champions
A revolutionary unobtrusive sensor that collects and immediately transmits data from the human body could boost British sporting success in future.
Sep 13, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Speedier skis on course for World Cup glory
Skis equipped with an ingenious new self-waxing device that enables them to travel quicker could make a dramatic entry onto the skiing scene in the 2008/09 World Cup season.
Sep 13, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Sports Medicine
USC researcher identifies stem cells in tendons that regenerate tissue in animal model
Athletes know that damage to a tendon can signal an end to their professional careers. But a consortium of scientists, led in part by University of Southern California (USC) School of Dentistry researcher Songtao Shi, has identified unique cells within the adult tendon that have stem-cell characteristics,including the ability to proliferate and self-renew. The research team was able to isolate these cells and regenerate tendon-like tissue in the animal model. Their findings hold tremendous promise for the treatment of tendon injuries caused by overuse and trauma.
Sep 9, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
A type of antioxidant may not be as safe as once thought
Charlottesville, Va., Sept. 4, 2007 - Certain preparations taken to enhance athletic performance or stave off disease contain an anti-oxidant that could cause harm. According to new research at the University of Virginia Health System, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), an anti-oxidant commonly used in nutritional and body-building supplements, can form a red blood cell-derived molecule that makes blood vessels think they are not getting enough oxygen. This leads to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a serious condition characterized by high blood pressure in the arteries that carry blood to the lungs. The results appear in the September issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Sep 4, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
UC's Fry informs fantasy football fans
It's fantasy football season! And just in time for the frenzy, Assistant Professor Michael Fry and student Andrew Lundberg have published their results. It amounts to this: you have a set of choices that people can make. All you really want to know � in fantasy and in real drafts � is what set of players is not going to be available when your turn comes up.
Aug 23, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Scientists tackle mystery mountain illness
Experts at the University are studying an illness known as HAPE (high altitude pulmonary oedema), which causes fluid to build up in the lungs can and can occur from as low as 2,500 metres, affecting people of all age groups and fitness levels.
Aug 21, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Understanding hypertension in African Americans proves elusive
Exercise cannot reduce a sodium-retaining hormone in African Americans known to potentially cause hypertension, found Michael D. Brown, Ph.D., the senior author of a study in the September issue of Experimental Physiology. Brown is an associate professor of kinesiology at Temple University�s College of Health Professions.
Aug 16, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Older climbers face uphill battle on Mount Everest
In this era of not surrendering to age, some claim that 60 is the new 40. But new research shows that 60 year olds cannot keep up with 40 year olds on Mount Everest and suffer a sharply higher chance of dying if they do reach the summit.
Aug 14, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Traditional Chinese exercises may increase efficacy of flu vaccine
Move on mosquitoes. Step aside sweat bees. Before long, another unwelcome, but predictable, pest will return: the dreaded, oft-spotted flu bug.
Aug 13, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Sports hernia repair technique coupled with innovative rehabilitation program speeds return to play
CALGARY, Alberta -- Surgical repair of athletic hernia using tension-free mesh and a standardized rehabilitation protocol are successful in returning athletes to competition, according to new research released today at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine at the Telus Convention Center (July 12-15).
Jul 15, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Sports hernia repair surgery plus innovative rehab program helps athletes return to play
St. Louis, July 15, 2007 In recent years, sports hernias have sidelined many high-level athletes for months and, occasionally, prevented a return to competitive sports all together. New research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis shows that surgical repair of sports hernias using tension-free mesh, coupled with an innovative rehabilitation program, successfully returned athletes to competition in 93 percent of cases.
Jul 15, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Tennis elbow procedure demonstrates long-term success
CALGARY, Alberta -- Arthroscopic treatment of tennis elbow has shown to be successful at long-term follow-up, according to new research released today at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine at the Telus Convention Center (July 12-15).
Jul 14, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Women and arthritis sufferers have poorer short-term recovery from arthroscopic knee surgery
CALGARY, Alberta -- The factors associated with poor short-term recovery from knee surgery appear to be different than those found to mar long-term outcome from the same surgery, according to new research released today at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine at the Telus Convention Center (July 12-15).
Jul 14, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Groin injuries averted by preseason injury prevention
CALGARY, Alberta -- Professional soccer players who participated in a special preseason groin injury prevention program had fewer groin injuries during that subsequent season than those who were not in the program, according to new research released today at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine at the Telus Convention Center (July 12-15).
Jul 12, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Neoprene sleeve equal to knee brace during recovery from ACL surgery
CALGARY, Alberta -- Users of functional knee braces and neoprene sleeves have similar recoveries from anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, according to new research presented today at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine at the Telus Convention Center (July 12-15).
Jul 12, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Catastrophic head injury three times greater in high school vs. collegiate football players
Rosemont, Ill. The incidence of catastrophic head injuries in football is dramatically higher at the high school level than at the college level, according to a study published in the July issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine.
Jul 3, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Understanding smooth eye pursuit
PHILADELPHIA -- Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have shed new light on how the brain and eye team up to spot an object in motion and follow it, a classic question of human motor control. The study shows that two distinctly different ways of seeing motion are used one to catch up to a moving object with our eyes, a second to lock on and examine it.
Jul 2, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Biofeedback on abnormal mechanics lowers risk for stress fractures, pain under kneecap
More than seven out of 10 runners will sustain an injury over the course of a year, many of these injuries preventable without any adverse effects on running distance or performance, according to Dr. Irene Davis, director of the Running Injury Lab at the University of Delaware, and director of Research for Drayer Physical Therapy Institute.
Apr 30, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Mayo Clinic solves painful puzzle of UT ligament split tear in wrist
ROCHESTER, Minn. - - A Mayo Clinic orthopedic surgeon has discovered a common cause of debilitating wrist pain - a split tear of the UT ligament - that can be reliably detected through a simple physical examination and can be fully repaired through an arthroscopically guided surgical procedure. The findings are published in the April issue of the American Journal of Hand Surgery.
Apr 11, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Officiating bias, influenced by crowds, affects home field advantage
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 3, 2007 The roar of the crowd may subconsciously influence some referees to give an advantage to the home team, according to a study that examines the results of over 5,000 soccer matches in the English Premier League. The matches were played between 1992 and 2006, and involved 50 different referees, each of whom had officiated at least 25 games within that time period.
Apr 3, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
The psychology of baseball
Its the seventh game of the World Series bottom of the ninth inning, your team is down 4-3 with runners on second and third and youre on deck. You watch as your teammate gets the second out. That means youre up with a chance to win a championship for your team...or lose it.
Mar 30, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Modified ligament surgery improves outcomes for baseball pitchers, other athletes
In the largest study of its kind, surgeons at Hospital for Special Surgery have determined that by modifying a classic ligament surgery, they can return more athletes, such as baseball players, to their prior level of competition. The modified surgery repairs a torn medial collateral ligament (MCL), which links and stabilizes bones of the lower and upper arm where they meet at the elbow.
Feb 28, 2007 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
RAND study finds walking more likely in neighborhoods with more 4-way intersections
People are more likely to walk when they live in neighborhoods where there are more four-way intersections and a diverse mixture of businesses, according to a RAND Corporation study issued today.
Feb 27, 2007 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Female lacrosse players at higher risk than males for head, face and eye injuries
Rosemont, Ill. February 1, 2007 -- Despite playing a game with less physical contact, female lacrosse players in high school and college sustain a higher rate of injuries to the head, face, and eye than their male counterparts, according to a study published in the February issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine.
Feb 1, 2007 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
First national review of pediatric soccer injuries finds 1.6 million ER visits over 13-year span
Rosemont, Ill. February 1, 2007 -- Girl soccer players may be sustaining more injuries than boys, but boys are twice as likely to be hospitalized for their injuries, according to the first comprehensive look at U.S. emergency room data on youth soccer injuries. The review appears in the February issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine.
Feb 1, 2007 - 5:00:00 AM
Health |
Gathering information about food is not top priority for individuals with high metabolisms
NIH renews funding for University of Maryland vaccine research
DHA-enriched formula in infancy linked to positive cognitive outcomes in childhood
New IOM report lays out plan to determine effectiveness of obesity prevention efforts
Vitamin D supplementation may delay precocious puberty in girls
Study: Pedometer program helps motivate participants to sit less, move more
Fish oil may stall effects of junk food on brain
Intake of low energy dense food better than skipping meals
Inaugural IOF Olof Johnell Science Award presented to Professor Harry Genant
Molecular hub links obesity, heart disease to high blood pressure
 | Healthcare |
Healthcare experts from UK and India meet at the UK Parliament to discuss ways to improve health care in India, UK
Flu pandemic infected one in five
Stigma preventing leprosy-cured from getting jobs
Measles, Mumps make a comeback in US
Melinda Gates calls on Akhilesh Yadav
'Movies, TV impact tobacco users more than newspapers'
Rockland to open three new hospitals in NCR
Spice Global enters healthcare business with hospital in Delhi
Delhi to expedite recruitment of doctors
India adds spice to US life, keeps it healthy
 | Latest Research |
How do consumers see a product when they hear music?
Drug activates virus against cancer
Bone loss associated with increased production of ROS
Sound preconditioning prevents ototoxic drug-induced hearing loss in mice
Crystal methamphetamine use by street youth increases risk of injecting drugs
Johns Hopkins-led study shows increased life expectancy among family caregivers
Moderate to severe psoriasis linked to chronic kidney disease, say experts
Licensing deal marks coming of age for University of Washington, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Simple blood or urine test to identify blinding disease
Physician job satisfaction driven by quality of patient care
 | Medical News |
NHRC issues notice to Kerala over infant deaths
Advanced breast cancer detecting machine comes to India
'Dispel myths about vitiligo'
NHRC summons Odisha chief secretary
Woman dies of swine flu in UP
Maharashtra, GE to modernise rural health care
Hypertension: India's silent killer
Need cautious effort to eradicate polio: Experts
Ayurveda experts develop online personalised health regimen
Soon a detailed study on 'diabesity': Doctors
 | Special Topics |
MPs express anguish at Delhi gang-rape, Shinde assures fast trial
Worrying rise in number of medical students in prostitution over last 10 years
Behold India's unfolding democratic revolution
Chinese woman cuts open her belly to save surgery cost
Improved Sense of Smell Produced Smarter Mammals
Two-year-old world's first to have extra DNA strand
172,155 kidney stones removed from one patient!
'Primodial Soup' theory for origin of life rejected in paper
Human species could have killed Neanderthal man
History, geography also seem to shape our genome
